Frequently asked questions

Here you will find frequently asked questions, and all sorts of useful.

We achieved the State Recognition. What does that mean exactly?

By the 1st of August, our elementary school received the State Recognition by the Bavarian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs. This allows the transfer to the secondary schools by means of grading by our teachers. A transfer examination of the future fourth graders is no longer necessary from the school year 2016-17 on.In the past years, high transfer rates were achieved repeatedly. This above-average performance of the students, which was achieved with the support by the teachers, ensured the aimed State Accreditation for our school.

What does a normal school day look like?

8:00 am: lessons begin
8:00 – 9:30am: 1./2. lesson
9:30 – 10:00am: breakfast
10:00 – 11:30am: 3./4. lesson
11:30am – 12:30pm: lunch break
12:30 – 2:00pm: 5./6. lesson

What does a normal afternoon at our school look like?

You can pick up your child at 2pm, right after school or sign it up for the afternoon. In the afternoon, there are two pick-up times – 3:30pm after homework or 5pm.

2:00 – 2:30pm: snack- and activity break
2:30 – 3:30pm: homework supervision
3:30 – 5:00pm: courses or child care

How do I sign up my child for the afternoon care?

If you would like to register your child for the afternoon care, you receive the associated form, the afternoon care agreement. With this form you can choose the care times (BZ I from 2 pm to 4 pm; BZ II from 2 pm to 5 pm) and the respective weekdays for the current school year according to your wishes. For the following school years, you receive the update form. Here you can adjust the care times and weekdays as required. For the registration of your child for the afternoon courses, you get the registration form (available towards the end of the school year for the next school year). The courses can be booked and terminated monthly. Contact person is the head of the afternoon care Susanne Erath. If you have any further queries, please send an email to erath.s(at)

How can I order lunch?

We always upload the next week’s lunch menu on Fridays.You can log in our website and choose between the meals or no meal at all and also mark the afternoon care for each day.

Does my child have to speak English when coming to our school?

No. We teach English from 1st Grade on. Our students are therefore split up in so-called levels. We have four levels. Level 1 is for children who do not have any English-language-foreknowledge. All levels are parallel, so children can switch between levels easily during the school year. We also offer a weekly English-preschool-course for all new signed up first graders.

Does my child have to bring its own breakfast?

Yes. Breakfast is from 9:30 – 10:00am. First, we have breakfast together. Every child brings its own snack. Additionally, we offer little snacks, such as cut fruits and vegetables, as well as juices and water.

What does a normal lunch break look like?

Lunch break is from 11:30am – 12:30pm. First, the children have lunch together. Here, they either get their ordered meal or bring their own snacks. Afterwards, there is a long break time, in which the children can play in our beautiful garden area and regain strength for the last two lessons.

Is the teaching content the same as at a state school?

Yes. We teach according to the Bavarian Elementary School Curriculum and additionally, we even integrated the Cambridge Primary School Curriculum for international schools, which is why our students learn English from 1st grade on. This Cambridge Primary School Curriculum enables a smooth transfer to international schools. Our school is the smallest school in an international network of Cambridge International Schools.

What about the bilingualism in the lessons?

In many subjects (definitely in Mathematics and Science -> all main subjects) we have an English speaking native speaker assisting the teacher during the lesson as a pedagogical assistant and also translating everything into English simultaneously. The English lessons themselves are taught by a teacher with the needed teaching qualification.

Interesting links for students:

Information transfer or change of school
Assistance and contacts with academic or personal problems
Important information on the way to high school

Interesting links for parents:

Specifications for the work of the Advisory Board Parents
The Bavarian school system overview
Information on the consistency of school and work
Rights and duties of parents towards school

Equally helpful for students and parents is the interactive Education planner: