School Secretary available: Mo. - Fr.: 7:30m - 11:30am
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Thiergarten Palace
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< Halloween
28.October 10:46 Age: 2 yrs


school ends at 11:30am

·         Students may come to school dressed up for Halloween on Friday, October 28, 2022.

·         Please do not bring weapons, dummy weapons, or anything similar.

·         Physical education classes will be cancelled that day; class teacher classes will be held instead.

·         A spooky  buffet will also be prepared for the students. Therefore we would again be happy about donations. For example, you may bring: savory: Wienerle, cheese, (ketchup) and sweet: gummy bears or chocolate, chocolate kisses, mini liner, mini donuts, cream puffs, etc.. For this we will start a separate poll.

·         Please bring the food the day before to the secretary's office.

·         School ends on Friday at 11:30 am.

·      There will be no lunch offered on that day. Please provide your child with a snack, in case it stays longer.

·      Families in need of an a child care until 2pm, can register with Ms. Erath:

erath.s@pgs.arche-twi.com; cell: 0173 / 396 94 92.
this information is needed for organisational purposes.

Afternoon care and courses take place as usual.