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< Letzter Schultag
26.July 13:24 Age: -10 days

Last Day Of School

School ends at 10:30 am

Please return all school-owned books (e.g., reading books, math books, etc.) to the school by Thursday, July 26th, 2024, at the latest. Also, please return the books borrowed from the student library.


Grade 4:

The farewell celebration for the 4th graders and their families starts at 11:00 am.


Grades 1 to 3:

For all other classes, the school year ends at 10:30 am with the report card distribution.


Parents who need care from 10:30 am should register their child with Ms. Erath (erath.s@pgs.arche-twi) by 19th of July. Afternoon care won’t take place on this day.
