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Thiergarten Palace
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< Weihnachtsfeier
20.December 11:31 Age: 5 yrs

Last school day

Classes end at 11:30 a.m.

In order to make the last day of school before the Christmas holidays as flexible as possible for you, classes end at 11:30 a.m.

·         Physical education classes will not be held on this day. Instead, class teacher classes will be held.

·         Afterwards, we offer a child care until 2p.m., where you can pick up your child at any time. Please inform Ms. Erath (erath.s@dr-wiesent.de), if you wish to take advantage of this offer.

·         The general care ends at 2 p.m. on this day. Nevertheless, - in urgent cases - should you require longer care please contact Ms. Erath by Monday, 12/12/2019.

·         There will be no lunch offered on that day. Please give your child a little snack, in case it is going to stay in the care time.

·         Please have your child bring a handful of cookies or gingerbread for our students‘ Christmas party on that day.


School will start again on 7th of January 2020.
