Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat: Mo. - Fr.: 7:30 - 11:30 Uhr
Telefon: 09209 / 918083-0
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< Elternabend

parents' evening


2nd grade

Constructive parental work and good cooperation with the parent representatives are very important to us. Therefore, the following parent information evenings will take place at 6:30 p.m. each day:
Class1 : Monday, 09/20/2021
Class 2: Tuesday, 09/21/2021
Class 3: Wednesday, 09/22/2021
Class 4: Thursday, 09/23/2021
On these evenings, you will be informed by our class teachers about all important things concerning the classes in the new school year and the class parent representatives will be elected. Should you have any matters of concern for us during the course of the school year, please feel free to come and talk to us personally at any time during the respective office hours (times will be announced at the parents' evening).

Unsere Termine