Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat: Mo. - Fr.: 7:30 - 11:30 Uhr
Telefon: 09209 / 918083-0
Logo Schloß Thiergarten
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< Zeltfest

Camping Night


at 5 pm

On the night of July 4th to July 5th, our students will camp on the school grounds. A letter with all important information was sent separately to the parents. The afternoon courses won’t take place on that Thursday. If the weather is nice, we would like to give the children the opportunity to refresh themselves with water. Perhaps you could also provide your child with swimwear and an additional towel? We wish our campers lots of fun, good weather, and a pleasant night in the tent.

For dinner, the children will have pizza. The cost is €6.00 per child, which will be debited along with other amounts from your account (SEPA mandate).

School ends on July 5th between 9:00 am and 10:30 am. Therefore, we do not offer lunch on this day. Please inform Mrs. Erath if you require supervision from 10:30 am to 2 pm: erath.s@pgs.arche-twi.com

Unsere Termine