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Thiergarten Palace
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Liability for the Contents

As a service provider we are responsible for our own contents published on these web pages according to general laws and pursuant to § 7 par. 1 TMG, the German Teleservices Act . Pursuant to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we as a service provider, however, are neither obliged to control communicated or stored third party information nor to investigate the circumstances which might point to illegal activities. The obligation to remove or block the use of information according to general laws shall remain unaffected thereof. The assuming of any liability to his effect, however, shall only be possible at the time we become aware of a concrete violation of the law, we will immediately remove those contents.

Liability for Links

Our offer includes links to external websites of third parties, the contents of which is beyond our sphere of influence. Thus, we are not able to assume liability for such third party contents. The appropriate provider or operator of the web pages shall always be responsible for the contents of the linked web pages. At the time the web pages were linked, they were checked for possible violations of the law. At the time the web pages were linked, no illegal contents were identifiable. Without concrete indications, however, a permanent control of the contents of the linked web pages is unreasonable. If we become aware of any violations of the law, we will immediately remove such links.


All contents and works on these web pages compiled by the website operator shall be subject to German copyright law. Any reproduction, processing, circulation and any kind of utilisation beyond the limits given in the copyright, shall be subject to the written consent of the appropriate author or compiler. Downloading and making copies of these web pages shall only be permitted for private, non-commercial use. Provided that the contents of these web pages were not compiled by the operator, third party's copyrights shall be observed. In particular, third party's contents will be marked as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of an infringement of copyright, we kindly ask you to inform us about such a violation. If we become aware of violations of the law, we will immediately remove such contents.