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< Maisel's Funrun
1.May 12:28 Age: 8 yrs

Maisel's Fun Run

at 9 AM

Our school will again take part in the Maisel’s Fun Run. Before we make further preparations, we
would like to ask you, if you are interested again, this year. Here, all interested children from our
school, siblings, former students and also this year
parents (non-binding) may sign up. Please have a look
at the table below to decide which run you and your
child can participate in. Please fill out the attached information
We would welcome a large turnout for this run.

Run                         Distance              Years                             Start
KNAX-Bambini-Run 400 meter Generation 2009 and younger  9:45 am
KNAX-Kids-Run 800 meter Generation 2005 – 2008               10:15 am
Sparkassen-student-run 2,5 km Generation 2001 – 2004
Official DVL age band: U14
(Generation 2003/2004)
U16 (Generation 2001/2002)
                                                                                               10:15 am
Half marathon 21,1 km adults                                                11:00 am
Quarter marathon 10,6 km adults                                          11:15 am