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< Letzter Schultag
26.October 08:33 Age: 6 yrs

Last school day

school ends at 11:30 AM

Last school day before the holidays will be on Friday, 10/26/2018.

·      School ends on Friday at 11:30am.

·      On that day, there will be no lunch offered. Please provide the children, who stay longer, with a snack.

·      Afternoon care will take place, as usual.

·         The ones in need for a child care until 2 pm need to contact Ms. Erath. (erath.s(at)dr-wiesent.de , phone: 0173 / 396 94 92).

This information is necessary for a better planning. 


The first school day after the holidays will be on Monday, 11/05/2018.