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< Letzter Schultag
28.July 14:10 Age: 354 days

Last day of school

school ends at 10.30 am

Please have your children return any books that belong to our school (e.g., reading books, math books, etc.) by no later than Thursday, 7/27/2023). Please give the books from the student library to your child.

Grade 4:

For 4th grade students, i.e., fourth graders together with their families, the graduation ceremony will begin at 11 am.


Grades 1 to 3:

For grades 1 to 3, the school year ends at 10:30 am with the handing out of report card-


Parents who need care after 10:30 am, please register your child by July 14th with Ms. Erath (erath.s@pgs.arche-twi).