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Friends AssociationDownloads
Thiergarten Palace
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< Nikolaustag
14.December 13:03 Age: 215 days

Christmas Party

from 4pm - 6pm

This year, our Christmas party will take place outside on the school grounds on Thursday, December 14th.

The Christmas party starts at 4 pm and
ends at around 6:00 pm.

The lessons end at 12 pm on this day (after lunch). The students can either be picked up – in case you would like to have your child dress warmer for later – or they can stay in the child care till the Christmas party.

Please register your child with Ms. Erath if he/she is to be looked after at school until the start of the Christmas party: s.erath(at)pgs.arche-twi.com

Children who do not attend afternoon care on Thursdays will be charged € 9.00 for a one-off childcare service.

The students have already worked out a variety of activities. There will also be a small Christmas bazaar with self-made handicrafts. We would be happy if you could bring enough small change to make the student's work worthwhile.

We ask you to stay until the end of the Christmas party and to say goodbye to the respective class teacher.

There will be Wiener sausages, pretzels and non-alcoholic punch.

The Friends Association is also offering potato soup this school year (on a donation basis on site). To enable the Association to prepare the soup according to your needs, please let us know how many portions of soup you would like. Please simply mark it with a check in the attached section.

Please complete the attached section by Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 and place it in an envelope with the appropriate amount of money for the desired food and drinks. You will then receive the envelope back with the coupons for this event.

Price list:         1 Pretzel                                  1,50 €
1 Pair of Wiener sausages     2,50 €

The kitchen ladies will bake Christmas cookies together with the students in the morning, which we will offer that evening for a small donation. The students will also prepare the punch for us.

We will prepare a few more cups of punch so that there's enough for everyone to try more than just one.

It would be great if parents could help us with the cleanup afterwards.