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Thiergarten Palace
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< Weihnachtsfeier
19.December 09:21 Age: 6 yrs

Christmas party

at 5pm

This year’s chirstmas party will take place on 19th of december. All students together with their parents and relatives will meet in the domed hall of our school at 5pm. The children have prepared a varied program for this evening.

This year the meals are organized by the parents. The parents’ council asks for a donation of 5€ from each adult as a contribution.

We would be pleased if some more side dishes and desserts could be contributed. Please check the Doodle list.




On that Wednesday, children who are not registered in the afternoon may also stay at school in the afternoon until the Christmas party. The fee is 5.00€ per child (for children, who are not registered for the afternoon care on that day).

Since the Christmas party is an official school event, the absence of a child is only possible for varied reasons and must be excused in writing.

Please hand in the attached section below with the number with the number of participants by latest 12/07/18 to the respective class teacher, so that we can plan ahead more precisely. Thank you very much for your help.
